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to the good folk at

for permission to use graphics from their software and toposheets

29 September 2007

In the Steps of Jack Leigh

Chapter 18: Takapuna to Milford

page 5

Now there's an interesting marriage

and technology here has afforded a wall with adjustable louvres.

Milford Rd provides direct access to the beach

Another drain outlet. Wood does not do well along here, not in the long haul.

This one's back down the beach a bit, but, again, the elements are definitely not kind to painted and stained wood.

I'm not sure here whether we have a fine piece of dry stone construction or whether the mortar and concrete form an invisible core. It's a wonderful wall, either way.

These have a loose rock breakwater in front of the base, presumably to cancel the swirling action of the sea.

There's a contrast here between the simple, light structure of the gate and the solid substance of the wall and steps. Does it work?

Broken wall, or rubble shipped in? Found art? Reminds me of that park in Ponsonby.

Each neighbour passes his wall on to the next one to continue...

This could well be another of the early houses along the coast. Keep it simple.

I wonder which way that pine will fall when it does...

Another biggy, reiterating the main themes along here: glass, chrome and curves.

and finally we've reached the carpark at the top end.

What was that old joke about God putting the playground right next door to the sewer.

We wander across to the marina for a look, before heading back.

You have to go in and out on the tide. At low tide, the outlet is around ankle deep.

We make it 2 hr 30 m in all, and the trip back to the van, without stopping for photos, took just under the hour.




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In the Steps of Jack Leigh


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New Zealand Plants
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